Tuesday, September 4, 2007

WOW I did not know

Ok someone posted a comment to my blog about the Jena 6. Let's just say it was not very clear so I deleted it. It was almost a threat. I don't know why people still use a faceless way to answer something, they posted annoymus. Just modern day sheet weares! I had no idea that my little blog would cause someone to wish me harm. WOW...I am truly saddned that the world I thought I lived in, does not exsist. People are still fighting this race thing!! I don't undersatnd, people are so mixed these days you don't know what you are ethnicly...all we do know is that we are Human!!! Men and Women!! I this finds everyone well! Peace!


FlipFlop Mom said...

Honey I don't even know what Jena 6 is.... But people today are cruel and viscious.... they really are!!! I believe as long as there is human existance..there will be human ignorance.. that is for sure!!!
I think you're beautiful!! and don't let anyone tell you any different!!!

Adriann said...

Sad isn't it. Like I said, it's a shame that we are 7 years into the new millenium and racism is still a problem in America the "Melting Pot." What does that say about our country?

justem said...

Wow. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. It's amazing to me that people will say and do terrible things when they can do it anonymously.