Friday, September 7, 2007

Ok So I am not feeling well

You know what, I am not feeling well and it dawned on me that I have not had a day off in a few weeks! WOW I had not noticed. Maybe I did notice a little, because I usually do my scrapbooking on my night off. And I have not done much scrapbooking lately. So I am off tonite and I have a headache and don't feel much like scrapping. So maybe it was a waste of time to take off. Oh well, such is life. I am watching a movie Hendricks, about Jimmy Hendricks and he was a really cool guy. Well, his music was really good, anyway, I don't really have the ability to know if he really was cool or not..LOL.

Ok next topic! I am a Fabreze nut!! I am so hooked on all of the fabreze products. I have 3 doggies as most of you know, and with 3 dogs you must have fabreze! I don't care how much you wash them and keep them clean they get dirty quick! So tonite I went to Wally world (Walmart for those who don't know) and bought almost $50 worth of fabreeze stuff, I bought the refills for the plug-in and a new bottle of fabric freshner, and Tide with Fabreze! Oh and the new candle with fabreze! It is too good!!!!


Adriann said...

You are so funny! Hope you are feeling better today. I wanted to let you know that I'll try to give you a call after church today.


Adriann said...

Those Prima Printables are Awesome!!!

Becky said...

HI! I finally got to check out your blog :)

I hope you are feeling better soon and when you are, you can check out my blog because you have been tagged!!!